WritingLab Reports
Below, there are several examples of the reports generated by
the Internet WritingLab. Each report contains two parts, the first of which
is the Scores & Statistics Section. The second parts contains
your original composition with special linguistic Flags added. Linguistic
Flags are special markers inserted into your composition
that warn you of trouble or give information about a particular sentence.
Sample 1: Review of Clear and Present Danger
Sample 2: Multiplication and Division
Sample 3: Internet Communication
Sample 4: Holographic Watermarks
Sample 5: The All American Boy
Demo Accounts
Test-Drive the Internet Writinglab accounts, by logging into one of the
demo accounts. There are 3 types of accounts: instructor, directed pupil,
and independent student accounts. The login name or each account is:
demo_instructor, demo_pupil,
and demo_student.
The password for each of the demo accounts is: demo.
Scores & Statistics Section
This section details five linguistic maturity scores, which are
Grammar, Syntax, Punctuation, Vocabulary, and a cummulative
Holistic score. Also, this section details the
Readability and Syntactic
Fluency statistcs of the composition.
Linguistic Flags
This section contains nine (9) different Flag Reports, one for
each of the eight (8) different categories and also a comprehensive Flags
report. The eight Flag categories include Punctuation, Syntax,
Usage, Style, Grammar, Spelling,
Homonyms, and Capitalization. These are two examples
of linguistic flags: [FRAG?]
and [AGREE?]
. Both of these are Syntax flags, the first of which means that this sentence
is probably a sentence fragment, and the second flag means that this sentence
is a run-on sentence.
For a lists of the Linguistic flags that the Internet Writinglab
uses, see the Flags Description and Examples page.