WritingLab reports provide detailed feedback on your writing characteristics with 5 different category scores, nearly a dozen different grade level inicators, and numerous custom flags to help you correct your mistakes.

Our reports give a score for each of the five categories: Punctuation, Grammar, Syntax, Vocabulary, and a single Holistic score summarizing all of the results.

The many grade level indicators we provide include the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, Flesch Reading Ease, and Gunning's Fog Index just to name a few.

Check out the samples here!

Get Custom Feedback on Your Blog!

The Internet Writinglab is great for getting feedback on the quality of your blog writing. Just click on the QuickStart link above and paste your blog article into the WritingLab. Within a few minutes, you will receive a custom report on your blog writing! Change and tweak your article to your heart's content, resubmitting your changed version to the WritingLab each time. Make the best Blog content possible!

How does the WritingLab work?

You have the option of either simply using the QuickStart link above, or signing up for your own Internet Writinglab account. The QuickStart method allows you to quickly submit your writing for feedback; quickly thereafter, you will receive an email with a link to your report.

Signing-up for an account will make it easier for you to track all the pieces of writing that you submit to the WritingLab, allowing you quick and easy access to all your custom reports. After you sign-in to your WritingLab account, you submit your paper to the WritingLab's computers for analysis and receive your custom report in minutes.

Internet WritingLab: Blogging Tool

Blog Tip #1: Know your Target Audience!

How the WritingLab helps your Blog:
The Internet WritingLab is a great tool to help you refine your blog! There are two great features that you can leverage to help improve your blog. Most importantly, if you already have great writing skills, the WritingLab will help you write content best suited for you target audience. For example, if your target audience tends to be highly educated people, you will want to keep your writing pretty sophisticated. Otherwise, you'll probably bore your audience into coma, and they'll quickly move on to a different, more interesting blog. However, if your primary reader audience tends to be your average bloke, you're apt to turn him off with all your complicated, high-society speak. The Internet WritingLab helps you fine-tune the sophistication level of your blog to better suite the level of your audience!

Of course, you'll also benefit from the technical, grammatical feedback on the content of your blog. This will help keep away those pesky comment trolls who have nothing better to do than comment on the grammar mistakes you made in your article.

Using the WritingLab to Target your Audience

The WritingLab evaluates your writing to give you a one to six star rating in several different categories, including syntax, style, and usage. The higher your rating in each of these three areas, the more technically minded your audience will need to be. So, lets say you're targeting your average Joe: you should probably revise your blog articles until the WritingLab is giving you four (4) star ratings in those three areas. However, if you're targeting a technically oriented, PhD types, you'll probably need to shoot for the top six (6) star ratings. On the other hand, if you'll looking to keep the attention of grade-school kids, you're probably best off tuning your blog toward the two (2) star ratings.

Important note: Each Internet WritingLab Report includes the estimated grade-level required to read and understand your article. This is a great indicator of the minimum reading level your target audience will need to really understand your blog article.

The Internet WritingLab for Homeschool

Why Homeschool with the WritingLab?

You need to use the Internet WritingLab as a teaching/learning resource for your children in Homeschool! Why? Because the WritingLab provides several priceless features that you can leverage. First, with the WritingLab, you don't have to pay for and schedule time with an English teacher to get your kids the English expertise they need. And second, the WritingLab is available day and night from everywhere you have Internet access. Do you need to travel away from home but are worried about you kids keeping up their studies? The Internet WritingLab makes it possible to keep your kids focused on their English Language studies even while traveling away from home.

How to Use the Internet WritingLab for Homeschool

Like any good learning program, you need a plan and a schedule. Here's a great example of how to include the Internet WritingLab in the Homeschool program for your child.

First the plan: For your child to improve their English Language skills by using the WritingLab, your child must use the feedback the WritingLab provides. So, the plan needs to include having your child incorporate the feedback from their writing in revising/re-writing the paper they have the WritingLab analyze. So, the plan then needs to include the student writing a paper, analyzing it with the WritingLab, and then re-writing it using the feedback from the WritingLab.

Don't forget that your plan needs to include measuring your child's progress in improving their English Language skills. So, it's important that after you child has revised her paper using the feedback from the WritingLab, she needs to have the WritingLab analyze her revised version so you can see her progress made in revising her paper.

Schedule: And don't forget the schedule part of your child's learning program! So, what's a good schedule to use for your child's English writing program? Here are two good ones for you to try, depending on the age or grade-level of your child. For older students, or Highschool level students, have your child write a 2 page paper each week, using the first 3 days of the week to write the first draft, and then using the last 3 days of the week to incorporate the WritingLab's feedback and revise the paper to create the final draft. For younger children, a good schedule is to have them write a one-page paper, using the first week to write the first draft, and then the next week to use the WritingLab's feedback to re-write the paper for the final draft.
